A project of PLP6223C “Viral Pathogens of Plants” a graduate class taught in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
The following profiles were composed by students in the class from 2011 to the present. Most of the profiles are in the form of a narrated presentation, designed and narrated by the student author.
Each profile is designed to be an overview of a plant virus covering basics of particle and genome structure, replication, transmission, host range, detection and management.
The narrated presentations are 10-15 minutes in length, although they can be viewed without narration. The format of each profile varies with the creative abilities and energies of each student.
Disclaimer: While these presentations have been reviewed for content, errors in interpretation and facts may still exist and the reader is encouraged to confirm any facts by referring to original references.
For further information on these viruses, readers may start with the references cited in each presentation.
Jane E. Polston, Professor