Daylily rust
Mar 25, 2014 6:44 AM
Fungal causal agent: Puccinia hemerocallidis
Symptoms: Symptoms begin as yellowish/whitish spots on the upper surface of the leaves 7 to 10 days after infection. As these spots develop, they erupt into masses of bright yellow/orange spores breaking through the epidermis.These spores are called urediniospores and are round to slightly elongate and golden-brown.
Management:. The most effective management to reduce losses to rust is to use resistant cultivars. Restricted use fungicides are available for commercial growers that can be applied on 7-, 14-, 21- or 28- day schedules. Fungicides for home use can also be effective at limiting rust on daylily when applied before disease is established (preventatively). Please visit the following link for more information: In addition apply fungicides early to reduce inoculum. Check for current labels.