Anthracnose on Lupine
Jan 29, 2019 5:43 PM
Fungal causal agent: Colletotrichum spp.
Symptoms: Leaf lesions start as small brown circular/semi-circular lesions on the margins or throughout the leaf surface. Stems can also be covered with numerous lesions. Bending and twisting of leaves is a characteristic symptom. The plants may exhibit rapid yellowing and dieback during heavy infection.
Management:. Resistance among various types of Lupin’s have been reported and should be useful in locations with high risk of getting infection. The spores of the fungi can be easily seen in the lesions as spore massses and are easily spread during heavy rainfall and by overhead irrigation. Management of leaf wetness is critical in reducing risks associated with the disease. The pathogen could be in the seed and use of fungicide treated seeds are ideal, and fungicide treatments on plants may be necessary under high disease pressure conditions. More information can be found in the following http://www.sipav.org/main/jpp/index.php/jpp/article/viewFile/3463/2132. and https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/lupins/lupin-foliar-diseases-diagnosis-and-management?page=0%2C1. Check http://premier.cdms.net/webapls/formsloginRef.asp?/webapls for currently labeled fungicides.