Bacterial Wilt
Ralstonia solanacearum
Brown Rot
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Pathogen and Diseases
R. solanacearum / Brown Rot - Southern Wilt - Bacterial Wilt
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Read our modules below to learn more about Ralstonia solanacearum (race 3 biovar 2) and
bacterial wilt diseases of potato, geranium, and tomato
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Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2 is a plant pathogenic bacterium that causes brown rot (or bacterial wilt) of potato, Southern wilt of geranium, and bacterial wilt of tomato. It has been listed as a Select Agent plant pathogen in the United States...
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Ralstonia solanacearum raza 3 biovar 2 es la bacteria patógena de plantas que causa podredumbre parda (o marchitez bacteriana) de la papa, marchitez bacteriana del Sur del geranio, y marchitez bacteriana del tomate. La bacteria se encuentra en las tierras altas de los trópicos y en las regiones subtropicales del mundo...
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Brown rot is one of the most destructive diseases of potato. The disease has been estimated to affect about 3.75 million acres in approximately 80 countries throughout the world with global damage estimates currently over $950 million per year...
Southern wilt is currently an important disease for geranium producers. About 100 millions geranium cuttings are imported each year into the United States, and this pathway has been shown to represent a major risk for introduction of R. solanacearum race 3 biovar 2...
Bacterial wilt is one of the major diseases of tomato and other solanaceous plants. The disease is known to affect more than 200 plant species in over 50 families throughout the world, including a wide range of crop plants, ornamentals, and weeds...