Plants Get Sick Too! 2019
Gainesville Plant Pathologists host middle and high school educators for a day of interactive learning.
On June 20th, Plant Pathology in Gainesville opened its doors to 19 educators from 18 different schools, representing 10 Florida counties, for a "Plants get sick too!" teacher workshop. This was a full day event hosted teachers from the UF Center for Precollegiate Eduation and Training's CATALySES program. The workshop featured sections on bacterial, fungal, and viral plant pathogens, as well as epidemiology, diagnostics, and genetic modification of plants for disease control. Teachers were exposed to the basics of plant pathology via a mix of lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on activities. Teachers in attendance stated that they expect to teach the plant pathology concepts they learned to more than 2,100 students annually. This will help spread awareness of plant pathology and its importance!
This workshop has been hosted in Gainesville four years in a row and similar workshops have been organized at RECs across the state under the leadership of Dr. Monica Elliot.
Jeannie Klein-Gordon and Claudia Paez, lead organizers for this workshop, thank those who contributed to making it a success: Dr. Erica Goss, Dr. Norma Flor, Dr. Rosanne Healy, Dr. Sladana Bec, Dr. Peng Tian, Dr. Carrie Harmon, Dr. Svetlana Folimonova, Dr. Rosemary Loria, Minh Dao, Crystal Conner, Shaheen Bibi, Elena Karlsen-Ayala, Pei-Ling Yu, Brett Lane, Samantha Burrell, Kelsey Andersen, Rodrigo Onofre, Wael Elwakil, Devlin Yorker, Jessica Ulloa, Treva Damron, Karri Bishop, and Michael Morrow.