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Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Disease Diagnostics and Pathogen Detection


  • Ozgur Batuman - Diagnosis, epidemiology, and integrated management of citrus diseases. Development of IPM, practical solutions and delivery system for screening and evaluation of therapeutic materials.
  • Carrie Harmon - Plant disease detection and diagnosis through the Plant Diagnostic Center
  • Phil Harmon - Integrated management of diseases on blueberry and turf. Etiology of emerging diseases.
  • Natalia Peres - Disease etiology and management of strawberries, citrus, and ornamental crops. Crop advisory systems for disease management.
  • Mathews Paret - Antibacterial Nanomaterials, Field Diagnostics, Integrated Pest Management, International Agriculture
  • Pamela Roberts - Diagnosis, epidemiology, and integrated management of vegetable diseases. Plant disease diagnosis.
  • Andrew Schuerger - Mars Astrobiology, Planetary Protection for spacecraft missions to Mars and Europa, and pathology of hydroponic plants.
  • Gary Vallad - Etiology and management of bacterial and fungal vegetable diseases. Development and implementation of bio-based disease management strategies.
  • Shouan Zhang - Detection, biology, epidemiology, and integrated management of vegetable and tropical fruit diseases.