Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Solutions for your Plants


Photo of a red ornamental flower

Ornamental plants are plants that are grown for decorative purposes in gardens and landscape design projects, as houseplants, cut flowers and specimen display. The cultivation of ornamental plants are called floriculture, forms a major branch of horticulture.


Philip F. Harmon

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (352) 273-4622 | Location: Gainesville
Specialization: Turfgrass, ornamental plant, and small fruit diseases: diagnosis, management, and epidimology of fungal diseases.

Mathews Paret

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (850) 875-7154  | Location: Quincy
Specialization: Antibacterial Nanomaterials, Field Diagnostics, Integrated Pest Management, International Agriculture

Natalia A. Peres

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (813) 633-4133 | Location: Balm
Specialization: Etiology and control of diseases affecting citrus, strawberry, and ornamental plants.

Gary E. Vallad

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (813) 633-4121 |  Location: Balm
Specialization: Diagnosis and management of diseases of vegetable and ornamental crops. Bio-based disease management.

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