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Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Dr. Brantlee Spakes-Richter

Associate Professor




Phone: (352) 273-2014
Office: Rm. #2519, Fifield Hall
2550 Hull Road
Gainesville, FL, 32611

UF Tea Homepage




Dr. Spakes-Richter came to the field of plant pathology through an industry position in a private environmental microbiology laboratory, where she worked with growers and consultants on soil health and plant disease problems, and conducted bench-scale trials and product analyses of biological control products and soil amendments. She left industry to pursue a PhD in plant pathology at North Carolina State University, and came to UF from a postdoctoral research position at Duke University. While she maintains her interests in soil-borne pathogens and fungal ecology through collaborative research projects, she is passionate about teaching, and came to UF for the opportunity to hold an 80% teaching and 20% research position in plant pathology.

  • Education

    Ph.D. Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, 2009

    M.S. Plant Biology, Arizona State University, 1999

    B.A. English, Arizona State University, 1993

  • Recent Services and Honors
    • CALS Undergraduate Teacher of the Year, 2015-2016
    • CALS Council for Teaching Enhancement and Innovation, 2013-2016
    • Department of Plant Pathology Curriculum Committee
    • NACTA Educator Award, 2016
    • Plant Science Steering Committee
    • Roche Teaching Fellow, 2013-2014, University of Florida CALS
  • Publications

    View a collection of my publications on Google Scholar

  • Teaching

    Plant Pathology

    Brantlee Spakes Richter is responsible for course and curriculum development for multiple courses in plant pathology, including two general studies courses for non-majors, and general plant pathology and fungal pathogens courses for both undergraduate and graduate students.

    Courses Taught

    • PLP2000 Plants, Plagues & People 
    • PLP2060 Fungus Among Us Mushrooms, Molds, and Civilization
    • PLP3002 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology
    • PLP5005 General Plant Pathology

    Teaching Philosophy