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Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Dr. Nicholas Dufault

Associate Professor


Phone: (352)-273-4623
Office: Rm. # 1441
Fifield Hall, 2550 Hull Road
Gainesville, FL, 32611




My academic interests are in plant disease epidemiology and aerobiology. The focus of my research and extension program is to improve the management of crop diseases affecting both vegetable and agronomic crop production systems in Florida. It is my goal to use various statistical, weather and educational tools to develop efficient plant disease management programs that will maximize disease control and reduced costly inputs (i.e. chemicals, water, and time).

  • Education

    Ph.D. Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University, 2008

    MS. Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University, 2004

    B.A. Biology, Saint John's University, 2001

  • Extension

    My extension educational programs are aimed at increasing the plant pathology expertise of agricultural service personnel, educators, crop advisors and producers. I am working closely with horticulturalists, agronomists and other plant scientists to evaluate cultural, biological and chemical disease control strategies as a component of integrated pest management primarily for potatoes, watermelons and peanuts.

  • Publications

    View a collection of my publications on Google Scholar