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Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Dr. Tim Momol


Tim Momol bio picture


Phone: (352) 392-1781
Office: 1052 McCarty Hall, PO BOX 110220
Gainesville, FL, 32611




I have served as the Central District Director of UF/IFAS Extension since 2007. I provide leadership in planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating district-wide extension programs in 11 counties with approximately 75 extension faculty members in Central Florida. I have expertise in epidemiology and management of tomato diseases caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), and Xanthomonas perforans; and fire blight of apple and pear incited by Erwinia amylovora. The research component of my program included development of integrated strategies to manage diseases on tomatoes and other crops and development and application of new detection and diagnostic techniques for plant pathogens and their strains, especially on new and emerging plant pathogens in Florida. An integral part of my research and extension programs were training of graduate students, Doctor of Plant Medicine students, postdoctoral associates, and visiting scientists.

  • Education

    Ph.D., Plant Pathology, University of Florida, 1986

    M.S., Plant Health, Ege University, 1979

    B.S., Ag. Engineering, Ege University, 1979

  • Extension

    My extension responsibilities were to develop and implement an extension plant pathology program for horticultural crops in Florida, and to produce extension educational products including in-service trainings, extension publications, and other educational materials for county faculty and their clientele. Specific focal areas were to develop: educational programs on plant disease diagnostics, etiology and management of horticultural crop diseases and emerging pathogens; distance diagnostic tool (DDIS) and clinic info management system; and lead the Florida Plant Diagnostic Network (FPDN) and the Plant Diagnostic Clinic at North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC), Quincy. I collaborated for the development and implementation of the SPDN, and CPDN. Currently, I am the lead person from the University of Florida IFAS for further implementation of the CPDN and we are cultivating partnerships to network in the Greater Caribbean and US.

  • Publications

    View a collection of my publications on Google Scholar

  • Teaching
    • PLP 5103, Theory and practice of plant disease control
    • PLP 3103, Plant Disease Control (taught concurrently, second semester of odd years)
    • PLP 6921, Plant Pathology Colloquium
    • PLP 6932, Plant Pathology Seminar (taught as requested by Dept. Chair).