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Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Joshua Konkol

Postdoctoral Associate

Joshua Konkol






I am a postdoctoral researcher working with Dr. Jeffrey Rollins since September 2023. I am interested in forest and fruit tree pathology, and currently study the fungal vascular wilt pathogen Harringtonia lauricola, which causes laurel wilt disease. I combine molecular and histological approaches aided by artificial intelligence to explore the pathogen's interactions with the host and pathogenicity factors, which can inform breeding programs to develop disease tolerant germplasm and lead to the development of new tools for disease management. 

  • Education

    Ph.D. Plant Pathology, University of Florida, 2023
    B.A. English and Philosophy, Florida State University, 2007

  • Research

    Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Florida Plant Pathology Department, Sept. 2023 - Present
    Graduate Research Assistantship, University of Florida Plant Pathology Department, Aug. 2019 - Aug. 2023
    Biological Scientist II, University of Florida Tropical Research and Education Center, Plant Pathology, Nov. 2013 - July - 2019
    Laboratory Technician, University of Florida Tropical Research and Education Center, Plant Pathology, Nov. 2009 - Nov. 2013 

  • Publications