Our department offers a variety of online resources to support our faculty, staff, students, and visitors.
Please select a category from the left-hand box.
Fifield Hall Map
A printable map of Fifield Hall.
Employee Pesticide Training
The Pesticide Information Office.
Department Equipment
A list of department equipment information and locations.
Research Promotion Initiative
A university-wide initiative for promoting scientific research.
Pesticide Application
Request pesticide application to crops in and around Fifield Hall.
Room Reservation
Reserve a public workspace within Fifield Hall.
Vehicle Reservation
Reserve a department vehicle for Plant Pathology related travel.
Key Assignment Request
Request an assigned for yourself and new or existing students/employees.
Specim IQ Hyperspectral Camera Request
Checkout department Specim camera.
Surplus Pickup
Request a pickup of surplus office material or furniture.
Employee Exit Checklist
A step-by-step guide for the employee exit process.
Website Update
Request changes be made to any part of the Plant Pathology website.
Graduate Student Profile
Submit information for a student profile on the Plant Pathology website.
Graduate Student Handbook
An overview of graduate student expectations and requirements.
Autoclave Training Video
A thorough training video on department autoclave usage.
Plant Pathology LibGuide
Plant Pathology specific resources provided by Suzanne Stapleton, UF Marston Science Library.
GatorTRACS (Tool for Risk Assessment and Compliance & Safety) includes but is not limited to: documenting risk assessments; creating and maintaining chemical hygiene plans; monitoring training completions; performing and managing lab inspections.
Graduate Student Profile Form
Submit information for a student profile on the Plant Pathology website.
International Student Center
An informational resource for international UF students.
Dates and Deadlines
Important university dates and deadlines.
UF Library
The University of Florida Library Homepage.
IFAS Homepage
The homepage for the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
IFAS Shared Service Center
The Shared Service Center offers administration, financial, HR, and immigration services.
IFAS Experts
A directory of IFAS experts and their specializations.
IFAS Divisions, Schools, and Departments
A directory of the different IFAS departments, schools, and divisions.