Mushroom Fact Sheets
Having some trouble with a specific type of mushroom? Below is a collection of mushroom fact sheets. If you have any further fungi issues or questions, please check out our fungal identification services or contact our specialist.
- Stinkhorn Mushrooms (Agaricomycetes: Phallales: Phallaceae)
- The Green-Spore Poison Parasol Mushroom, Chlorophyllum molybdites
- The Pecan Truffle (Tuber lyonii): A Gourmet Truffle Native to the Southeastern United States
- Macrocybe titans: The Mushroom Giant of the Western Hemisphere
- The Laccate Ganoderma of the Southeastern United States: A Cosmopolitan and Important Genus of Wood Decay Fungi
- Bird’s Nest Fungi: Charismatic Mushrooms in Your Garden
- The Common Chanterelles (Cantharellus and Craterellus) of Florida
- Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporus sulphureus species complex)