Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Solutions for your Plants


Photo of rows of lettuce planted in the ground

Agronomic crops are staple food crops, such as corn, rice, beans, and wheat, which are produced on a large scale and represent the foundation of our human food supply. Agronomic crops also include cereal or grain crops; grain legumes or pulses and oilseed crops for food, feed or industrial use; pasture and forage crops; fiber crops; sugar crops; and starchy root and tuber crops.


Nick Dufault

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (352) 273-4623 | Location: Gainesville
Specialization: Biology and management of fungal pathogens of row crops, including watermelon and peanut. Fungicide resistance.

Mathews Paret

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (850) 875-7154  | Location: Quincy
Specialization: Antibacterial Nanomaterials, Field Diagnostics, Integrated Pest Management, International Agriculture

Richard N. Raid

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (561) 993-1564 | Location: Belle Glade
Specialization: Management of vegetable, rice, and sugarcane disease.Sustainable rodent control studies through the UF Barn Owl Program.

Pamela D. Roberts

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (239) 658-3400 | Location: Immokalee
Specialization: Molecular-based analysis of diseases affecting vegetables, tomato and citrus

Gary E. Vallad

Publications | Profile
Email: | Phone: (813) 633-4121 |  Location: Balm
Specialization: Diagnosis and management of diseases of vegetable and ornamental crops. Bio-based disease management.

Shouan Zhang

Publications | Profile
Email: |  Phone: (305) 246-7001 | Location: Homestead
Specialization: Biorational strategies for vegetable diseases and integrated management.

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