Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology Course List & Syllabi

Course Title Professor Semester
F=Fall, S=Spring, SS=Summer
PLP 2000

Plants, Plagues, and People
Online (Richter)| In-Person (Martins)

Richter, Martins S, SS
PLP 2060 The Fungus Among Us Richter S
PLP 2311

What Are Plants Talking About?

Martins S
PLP 3002C Fundamentals of Plant Pathology Richter F
PLP 3230 Survey of Plant Pathogens Cano S
PLP 4222C Viral Pathogens of Plants Folimonova S
PLP 4242C Bacterial Plant Pathogens Jones/White S
PLP 4260C Fungal Plant Pathogens Rollins S
PLP 4653C Fungal Biology Smith F
PLP 4900 Supervised Extension Experience in Plant Pathology Staff  
PLP 4905 Problems in Intermediate Plant Pathology Staff  
PLP 4905 Networks in Agricultural and Ecological Systems Garrett F
PLP 4905 Epidemiology and Data Science Garrett F
PLP 4905 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology Spakes Richter F
PLP 4905 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology Discussion Spakes Richter F
PLP 4911 Supervised Research in Plant Pathology Staff  
PLP 4915 Honors Thesis Research in Plant Pathology Staff  
PLP 4931 Seminar in Plant Pathology Staff F, S
PLP 4932 Special Topics in Plant Pathology Garrett F
PLP 5005C General Plant Pathology Richter F
PLP 5115C Citrus Pathology Killiny F odd years 
PLP 5155 Microbiological Control of Plant Diseases and Weeds Staff  
PLP 6105 Applied Disease Management Dufault SS(C)
PLP 6223C Viral Pathogens of Plants Folimonova S
PLP 6235C Applied Bioinformatics in Plant Pathology Huguet-Tapia S
PLP 6241C Bacterial Plant Pathogens Jones/White S
PLP 6245 Fastidious Bacteria and Plant Diseases Killiny F
PLP 6262C Fungal Plant Pathogens Rollins S
PLP 6291 Plant Disease Diagnosis C. Harmon SS (A)
PLP 6303 Host-Parasite Interactions II Song S even years
PLP 6404 Epidemiology of Plant Disease Staff S odd years
PLP 6502 Host-Parasite Interactions I Rollins/Gabriel/
F odd years
PLP 6621C Applied Population Genetic Analysis of Microbes Goss S even years
PLP 6636 Frontiers in Plant Biotechnology Folimonova F
PLP 6656C Fungal Biology Smith F
PLP 6701 Impact Through Networks Garrett F
PLP 6905 Applied Bioinformatics in Plant Pathology Huguet Tapia F, S, SS
PLP 6905 Field Plant Pathology Jones 
PLP 6905 Epidemiology and Data Science Garrett F
PLP 6905 General Plant Pathology Spakes Richter F
PLP 6910 Supervised Research Staff F, S, SS
PLP 6921 Colloquium in Principles of Plant Pathology Staff F, S
PLP 6932 Seminar in Plant Pathology Staff F, S
PLP 6940 Supervised Teaching Staff F, S, SS
PLP 6942 Professional Internship in Plant Disease Clinic C. Harmon F, S, SS
PLP 6971 Research for Master's Thesis Staff F, S, SS
PLP 7946 Plant Pathology Internship Staff F, S, SS
PLP 7979 Advanced Research Staff F, S, SS
PLP 7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation Staff F, S, SS