Common bacterial blight can cause severe damage on beans affecting yield. Symptoms can be noticed on leaves, pods and seeds. The leaf symptoms can start with water-soaking followed by necrosis.

The disease is active during hot and humid conditions. Lesion will have a yellow discoloration around it and can be noticed form upper side and underside of the leaves.

The lesions expand and can merge to cause large blighted sections. The affected leaves may have a blighted appearance and may be attached or can drop off from the plant.

Pods affected with common bacterial blight show water-soaking that can be in a small or large section. Numerous necrotic spots can be also noticed on the pods.

The lesions on pods tend to be circular or slightly irregular with light to dark brown or red color. The lesions may also become dark as they age. The size of the lesions can be very small or larger.
Bacterial causal agent: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli
Bean diseases