Little leaf symptoms include interveinal chlorosis of young leaves, and distortion and failure of leaves along the midrib to expand, and general stunting of plants.

High soil temperature, high soil moisture and presence of predisposing population of bacterial/fungal microorganisms in the soil appear to pre-dispose plants to little leaf.

Frenching (tobacco), and yellow strapleaf (chrysanthemum) are other names of the disease. Symptoms progress to increased leaflet distortion and more pronounced interveinal chlorosis.

Early and characteristic symptoms of little leaf consist of interveinal chlorosis in the young leaves with veins remaining dark green. Symptoms progress to increased leaflet distortion.

Other symptoms included cessation of terminal growth, leaflets with twisted and brittle midribs and axillary buds with very little and distorted growth.

Subsequently top growth become severely distorted with leaflets along the midrib failing to expand properly, resulting in a "little-leaf" appearance.
Cause: Not Known
Tomato diseases