Late blight affects all parts of the part except the roots. Leaf lesions can be noticed as water-soaked regions at early stages that rapidly change to brown lesions.
Late blight affects all parts of the part except the roots. Leaf lesions can be noticed as water-soaked regions at early stages that rapidly change to brown lesions.
Gray to white moldy growth can also be seen at the upper and underside of the leaves around the area with water-soaking and brown lesions.
Gray to white moldy growth can also be seen at the upper and underside of the leaves around the area with water-soaking and brown lesions.
Entire foliage can becomes severely affected under high disease pressure. The leaves become shriveled and brown in color and the entire plant may die.
Entire foliage can becomes severely affected under high disease pressure. The leaves become shriveled and brown in color and the entire plant may die.
Fruit lesions are often noticed for late blight and start as water soaked and greasy spots. The fruits have appearance similar to soft rot, but different at later stages with white growth from the affected fruits.
Fruit lesions are often noticed for late blight and start as water soaked and greasy spots. The fruits have appearance similar to soft rot, but different at later stages with white growth from the affected fruits.
The fruit soft rots spots can rapidly expand to cause larger rots which can change color from light to dark brown. This can rapidly expand further.
The fruit soft rots spots can rapidly expand to cause larger rots which can change color from light to dark brown. This can rapidly expand further.
The entire fruit can become infected, and a white mycelial growth can be noticed under extreme wet conditions. The pathogen can survive on volunteer tomato and potato, cull piles and weeds.
The entire fruit can become infected, and a white mycelial growth can be noticed under extreme wet conditions. The pathogen can survive on volunteer tomato and potato, cull piles and weeds.


Oomycete causal agent: Phytophthora infestans

Tomato diseases