U-scout program of the University of Florida
This project is a joint collaboration between North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) and the Plant Pathology Department of the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. U-scout includes a plant disease DATABASE, plant disease BLOG, plant disease WATCH, plant disease management TUTOR, plant disease ALERT, plant disease MONITOR and a plant disease PUBS section.
The goal of this interactive website is to routinely inform and train Florida extension agents on latest identification of plant pathogens and its management. The seed funding for the U-scout program came from a grant from the office of the Dean for Extension, Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida (2011 - 2012). Subsequent funding for this program came through a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (2013 - 2016) in partnership with Florida A & M University.
This website has been designed as part of our research program on vegetable and ornamental crops with support from numerous centers within the University of Florida and other institutions
Conceived and developed by
Dr. Mathews L. Paret
Associate Professor of Plant Pathology
University of Florida, Plant Pathology Department
North Florida Research and Education Center
Quincy, FL, USA 32351
E-mail: paret@ufl.edu
Team members
Susannah Da Silva, Lab and Field Manager
Dr. Fanny B. Iriarte, Plant Disease Diagnostician
Dr. Tatiana Sanchez, Horticulture Agent, Alachua County
Michael Morrow, IT Support, Plant Pathology Department
Former team members
Hank Dankers, Plant Disease Diagnostician
Laura Ritchie, Lab and Field Manager
Image Contributors
Dr. Steve Olson, Professor of Horticulture, North Florida Research and Education Center
Bob Hochmuth, Regional Specialized Agent (Vegetable crops), North Florida Research and Education Center
Dr. Josh Freeman, Associate Professor of Horticulture (Vegetable crops), North Florida Research and Education Center
Dr. Gary Vallad, Professor of Plant Pathology, Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
Dr. Gary Knox, Professor of Environmental Horticulture (Ornamental crops), North Florida Research and Education Center
Matthew Orwat, Horticulture Agent, Washington County
Libbie Johnson, Agriculture Agent, Escambia County
Logan Boatwright, Horticulture Agent, Jackson County
Shep Eubanks, Agriculture Agent, Gadsden County
Erik Lovestrand, Extension Agent, Franklin County
Mary Derrick, Horticulture Agent, Santa Rosa County
Mark Warren, Horticulture Agent, Levy County
Dr. Muhammad Haseeb, Florida Agriculture & Mechanical University
Anthony Drew, Agriculture Agent, Levy County
Rob Trawick, Horticulture Agent, Jackson County
Dr. H. Charles Mellinger, Glades Crop Care Inc.
Steve Hoak, Ag Consulting Solutions
Stephanie Velez, Ag Consulting Solutions

NFREC and the Plant Pathology Department