Internal vascular browning of watermelon rind is the characteristic symptom of watermelon rind necrosis. The fruits may look normal from outside, or with minor distortion in shape, and is unmarketable.

There are no symptoms associated with watermelon rind necrosis on leaves or any other part of the plant. There is no direct cause confirmed for watermelon rind necrosis.

Squash Vein Yellowing Virus (SqVYV) can also cause symptoms to watermelon rind necrosis. However, vine decline and leaf vein yellowing are additional symptoms of SqVYV.

Initial stages with symptoms can be noticed as small areas with discoloration of the rind. This can be seen all around the rind and no just in the area near of the rind near the soil line.

The discolored area show light orange, dry, hard necrosis of the rind, that rarely extends to the flesh of the watermelon. However, some water-soaking may extend into the flesh.
Cause: Unknown (Bacterial strains from many genera have been isolated from affected tissue, but a specific causal agent is not identified)
Cucurbit diseases