This disease also known as web blight is primarily seen during warmer months when high temperatures coincides with high moisture. Either this is due to high rainfall during summer, or due to the bad management practices followed in nurseries by continuous overhead irrigation in covered structures

The pathogen is soil borne or potting-medium borne. Yellowing of the leaves followed by brown lesion development on hydrangea is the initial symptom of the disease

The disease is especially severe when plants are grown together. Browning of the stem is a very common symptom for this disease which leads to girdling and complete death of the top of the plant. Brown mycelium (web-like) can be seen growing on infected leaves and stem

Another common symptom of this disease is the cutting rot. Water-soaking on the leaves can be seen on the infected plants
Fungal causal agent: Rhizoctonia spp.
Hydrangea diseases